Enjoy a single Two tank dive with us on the Northern wall of the Island, Silverthatch Watersports is based on the Northside of the island, so we mainly leave from the Rum point/Cayman Kai area. Best months to come are usually March till Sept, once we get into the winter months it starts to get a bit rougher on the Northside being the Windward side. With over 25+ sites ranging from deep walls and shallow reef plates there is always something for everyone.

$165 USD pp Max 8 people
Small Groups

Ice Cooler with Bottled Water
Stax Chips (Snacks)
But feel free to brink your own snacks and drinks as you wish

Free use of our Go Pro Camera, pictures are then downloaded for you free of charge.

Shade is available on all our boats and Access to Sunscreen just incase you forget yours.

Scuba Equipment included in price. Have your own not a problem a discount is given. $30 USD on the rack rate.
